Shipping Policy

  • Brand offers free shipping within India on all products. We pay for shipping, octroi and other taxes. You only pay the value of the ordered product.
  • We currently ship products only within India. You can place orders from across the world but delivery addresses are restricted to India.
  • We ensure that we deliver the orders the fastest and depending on the location deliver most of the orders in 2 – 7 days.
  • Company may choose to change the above policies at its own discretion.


Not satisfied with our product? We promise full refund for the item.

  • The amount will be refunded post product pick up and quality check by our team. The amount will be refunded either in source account and as per your preferred choice.
  • If you have any problems with your order, especially in terms of fit, size or colour, or if you come across any defects, we’ll be happy to refund the amount. Please return the unused item with tags within 7 days of receipt. Currently we do not exchange any items.